Please Join the Manchester Hawks Youth Football and Cheer organization in congratulating Alex Perry on being accepted to the prestigious IMG Academy which last won the HIgh School National Championship in 2020.
If you dont already know, IMG Academy is a major name when it comes to Preparatory High schools for athletes. They compete for a National Championship in Football as well as other sports
Alex started playing football with Manchester at the age of 6 and went straight to the tackle level. He never played Flag wiht the Hawks and Always played up an age group. So he played Tackle at the Age of 6 with the 7 and 8 year old team. Even though he was the youngest on the team he still contributed to the team success.
Alex continued to play every year with Manchester until he aged out in 2022. In that final season with Manchester, Alex made the NJAYF All Star team and traveled to Florida to play in the National All-Star Championship. Which the team won!!!
Perry played his Freshman Football Season with Donaovan Catholic High School this year (2023 Fall Seasson) Not his path is bringing him to a new adventure. Alex and his family a preparing fro him to leave on Tuesday; heading down to Florida in which he will participate in the Spring Tackle Season.
We wish Alex all the best in his Journey. Once a Hawk Always a Hawk!!!!!